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Business Hours: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. M-F
Self service options 24/7
Report an Emergency – 24/7

*Virginia American Water customers may be contacted by the American Water Customer Service Center from 1-800-422-2782. 

TDD: 711
Reference 1-800-452-6863


Experience shorter wait times from Tuesday to Friday between 11:00 a.m and 4:00 p.m.
Longer wait times can be expected on Monday's, the first business day of the month, and the first business day after a holiday


Mail Payment:

Virginia American Water
PO Box 371880
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7800

*The above address should only be used for payments sent via United States Postal Service. For payments sent via UPS, FedEx, or any form of overnight and/or certified mail, please send to:

Virginia American Water
Box #6029
8430 West Bryn Mawr Ave 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60631
Reference: Virginia American Water Box #6029

Correspondence ONLY*:

Virginia American Water
2223 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

*Payments are not accepted at this location by mail or in person. Please only mail payments to the payment location listed above.

Career Opportunities
Browse our available openings.

Media and Press Inquiries

Business Development
Our business development team addresses growth opportunities that include bulk-water sales to municipalities, acquisition of water and/or wastewater systems, contracts to operate and maintain water and/or wastewater systems, as well as oher public-private partnership opportunities.
For more information, please contact: Barry Suits

Investor Relations
Visit our Investor Relations website for more information.